10 Fun Random Questions Answered by Bora from FridaSkincare Korea

Entrepreneur Lifestyle
Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

At this stage, FridaSkincare have 1 adventurous partner in Indonesia and two incredible partners in Korea. Completing this post series, this time the ‘10 fun random questions‘ are answered by our other partner in Korea, Ms Bora Lee.  Her answers show her deep love for a green nature and that is one of the reasons she is happy to join a family-like business partnership with us. Check this latest out…

1. If you opened your first FridaSkincare offline store, where would it be, what city and why?

“Definitely, Seoul. One of the crazy cities in the world and easy to promote.”

2. If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what rule would you make? Why?

“Say Hello to each other. When you say hello, you will be more considerate. If you care a little more, you will be relieved of many accidents, misfortunes, and anxiety.”

3. If you drew everything that came to your head, what would you be drawing right now?

“A big tree, a bench, and a glow on the hill.”

4. Pretend you’re a chef and tell me about your restaurant. What foods do you serve?

“One menu every day. The best ingredient which I can buy at the local market and cook based on the ingredients availability.”

5. Where would you like to travel? How would you get there?

“Kenya. The movie ‘Lion King’ has inspired me to go to the Savanna one day.”

6. You’re a photographer for a day, what would you take pictures of?

“The trees.”

7. Describe a great day. What are you doing that makes it special?

“An ordinary day begins, just like yesterday. I meet the ordinary people and spend an ordinary time. I go for a walk at the end of the day, and I can see an evening glow. It is a very clean red evening glow. It is a perfect colour. It is based on a proper air temperature, proper humidity, and proper clouds. I have enough time to enjoy it.”

8. Do you think it’d be fun to learn another language? What would it be?

“It is fun. The language contains the culture of those who use it. Learning a language is learning a culture. How could it be so uninteresting? Even if I don’t have the talent.”

9. What are three things you want to do this summer?

“(1) to launch FridaSkincareKorea’s homepage, (2) to set up FridaSkincareKorea’s blog, (3) to find the marketing concept for FridaSkincareKorea.”

10. If you could travel back in time three years and visit your younger self, what advice would you give yourself?

“Play like crazy!!! Go outside and see more!!!” 


As you probably have noticed, Bora from FridaSkincare Korea has some special bonds with the tree and the ‘glowing tree’ which I am going to dig more about this in the future post. I am so fortunate to have been surrounded by female partners whose each owns unique identity and share the same philosophy toward the sustainable future while riding the same business journey with us, FridaSkincare. Read another 10 fun random questions answered by Jaesook from FridaSkincare Korea here.

And here is another 10 questions answered by Monika’s from FridaSkincare Indonesia. And find Samuel’s answers here and click here to read Frida’s. Looking forward to having more partnership with future female worldwide partners that have high integrity and share the same value with us, so we can have this article rolls on again. Cheers for a meaningful journey!

Image Credits: David Pisnoy

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