Friday Freebie for an Instant Cleansing Exfoliator

Skin Consultation + Freebie
Friday, June 22nd, 2018

Friday Freebie for an Instant Cleansing Exfoliator

Who is lazy for any facial routine??? Well, I am!!!

Therefore, we created this blending-able product that carries multiple purposes. Donate the weekly or monthly budget of your facial treatment to those in needs instead. This time I have an offer to cleanse at the same time to deep-cleanse your facial skin. The result and the feel are just exactly same as you are having your facial treatment done at your favourite a Facial Spa. Let’s try one of our Blending Therapies, this time is a combo of Enriching Facial Foam Cleanser and Revitalizing Facial Mask and Scrub:

How To Use Them:

  • Pump 1x Foam Cleanser on a hand palm. Massage face follows a regular cleansing ritual. Just before rinsing it with water, pump on a hand palm with enough Mask & Scrub. Continue massaging the facial skin using circular upward motions. Rinse well afterwards. Feel the difference right after rinsing. A Little Tip: Open the lids of both products before starting the treatment.

Alternatively, here is the shortcut of how-to-use them for the laziest person like me:

  • On a hand palm, 1x pump of Foam Cleanser and follow with 3-4x pumps of Mask & Scrub on the same hand palm. Rub it around with both hand palms. Massage it directly and thoroughly on the facial skin until you are happy to rinse it off well with water. Done and grab your clean towel to dry the face. Follow tapping with our Frida Toner to balance the sebum every time after the facial treatment.


Skip scrubbing on inflamed acne areas, under the eyes skin, and other thin layers of the skin area that doesn’t need to be scrubbed. Read my last post for more information on this caution, 3 Types of Facial Skin that are Forbidden to be Scrubbed.

This week’s Beneficiaries of Frida Cleansing Exfoliator

Exclusively for the Lazy People on Earth!!! Comment below how lazy you are with your facial routine or any sort of treatment. Please shout out with pride! We have 3 sets of Cleanser Exfoliator to give away this week. Or maybe it could be more than 3 sets, it depends on your comments! ^^

Note: Before participating in Friday Freebie, please be so kind to read the Rules of Game here.

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