Study the Life from F1 Car


Not every car is designed the same. Some of them are structured to be slow and heavy, just like a Forklift truck. A few of them are designed to own speed and style, just like a Formula One racing car. But, all of the cars carry their own specific purpose. An F1 car cannot “lift and […]

May 6, 2018

Study the Life of A Coconut Tree


Last time we study the life of 3 animals, this time let’s take a closer look at a Coconut Tree. So, why Coconut? Because I grew up in Sumatera Island where you can see coconut trees everywhere. This tree is famous for us because we use its milk and cream in the daily cooking. Indonesia […]

April 29, 2018

Study the Life of These 3 Animals


When it comes to nature, it is very neat and compact. It gives us colourful knowledge. It can be reflexed in a lot of angles in our life. Our behaviour. Our thinking. Including our mission in life. When the school fails to ‘hatch’ the student to find their unique life mission, then we should start studying […]

April 22, 2018

49 Mind-blown Health Benefits of Siwak Miswak


In the last post, I wrote about Siwak or Miswak, the most natural toothbrush as the introduction. It truly offers beyond total mouth hygiene. And these have made my mind blown away! Ok, here is the list of Siwak Arak root benefits besides its function as the natural toothbrush: Plaque reduction & preventing Teeth whitening Shielding teeth from […]

April 15, 2018