3 Daily Outwears to Simplify

Journey to Minimalism

When it comes to shopping, the adrenaline talks. Once it is in the blood it can be addicted. Now it is time to get back to the logical mind and to let go the emotions when it comes to daily wear. It should serve the original purpose of wearing, back to where it supposed to […]

May 5, 2018

4 Ways of Life that We Have Simplified

Journey to Minimalism

Not so many people know that we have been actually living like the ‘monks’. So, now is the moment of truth about how we have been living and we enjoy every bit of it. One CellPhone Once upon a time, we used to have one phone each. But we found it useless. No friends to call every […]

April 28, 2018

My Minimalist Living Style Dream

Journey to Minimalism

The aging I am, the less I want. However, when it comes to designing our minimalist life, we become even pickier to select stuff that goes into our space. It is quality over quantity. For me, these are the ultimate ‘must have’ lifestyle that gives minimalism a quality of life. Decomposer One day, I saw a […]

April 21, 2018

3 Problems of Not Being Minimalist

Journey to Minimalism

For us, Minimalism is not about how simple and basic a house can look. It is beyond the house design. It is the concept of our mind. We have been ‘Maximalist’ for quite a while. We are reaching the point when enough is enough. Messy life and time-wasted are part of not being minimalist. Thus […]

April 14, 2018

Our Family Journey to Minimalism

Journey to Minimalism

I used to like collecting small souvenirs of shot glasses from countries and places I visited. And I used to have a lot of scraps stuff at home. For normal people, that stuff is ‘garbage’. But, if you are a crafter, you will see those ‘garbage’ as ‘treasure’. Only on crafters’ hands, those unused scraps […]

April 7, 2018